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The Making of a Bamboo Spork. Naturally by bambu

The Spork = 1/2 Spoon + 1/2 Fork = Totally functional, portable, reusable, utility tool. The Spork has been among the most popular products in our range....and with us since we first designed and introduced it 10 years ago.


The Spork has, in a way, become our icon. The Spork has quite an interesting history. (Spork - wiki) But you won't find anything about the bamboo Spork. Only here! Ours is made from Organic Bamboo. Only ours, uses no lacquers, plastics, metals or glues or any yucky ingredients....

Green and clean. Organic. Portable utility eating tool. The bamboo Spork. It's worth a movie trailer......stay tuned for the next act.