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The Plight of the Honey Bees

The Flight of the Honey BeeBees are extraordinary creatures.  They perform a vital function to our eco-system and specifically to our food sources.  And it goes way beyond just honey.  In fact, over 50% of our fresh foods are dependent on our important pollinators. See a visual depiction of what our food stores would look like without bees.


courtesy of Whole Foods Market

The Not-So-Wonderful World of Bees

And yet, honey bees are being threatened on a massive scale. Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) is a disease not just in the United States. The UK has lost a third of its colonies. It is a dire situation and a complex issue. There are numerous factors affecting CCD.

We were concerned with the plight of the honey bee so we investigated a little more deeply. That led us to Oregon State University, Department of Agriculture, and the work they are doing to help honey bees. 


We decided to get involved and lend our support to research and education. Read about our bambu partnership here.  
bambu Supports Honey Bee Research Through Sponsorship of Oregon State University Honey Bee Lab. 


Why We Care

We care about our food sources. Healthy animals, plants and insects mean a healthier 'us.'  Our products compliment food.  They are made safe.  We refuse to use questionable lacquers, and use only use approved and food-safe oils and finishes.  Plus, we certify our sources. 


“Honey bees and other pollinators are critical for our food security and ecosystem. Currently honey bees are facing enormous challenges that need to be addressed soon, to promote sustainable apiculture and pollination. Oregon State University honey bee lab is delighted to establish a partnership with Bambu (striving for sustainability) to improve honey bee health.”
- Ramesh Sagili, Ph.D. Oregon State University

Read more in Sustainable Business Oregon here. You can also read more about the master beekeeper program and the bambu partnership in the Capital Press here.  


Check out our Bee-Themed product collection at our bambu Shop


Be A Voice For Bees

You can lend your support too! The folks at Greenpeace are mounting a campaign directed towards the EPA to ban a toxic pesticide that is known to kill honey bees.

You too can be a voice for bees. Simply go to this link - and send your message to the EPA.