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3 Tips To Get Kiddies to Enjoy Gardening

Gardening with children can be fun and fulfilling. Spending time learning together and seeing the fruits of your labor, and getting a little dirt in your hands is all part of the enjoyment.

There are a few simple things that we can do to engage children in the gardening process.

  •     Plant things that are interesting and tasty
  •     Incorporate play into our gardens
  •     We can attract critters that kids love to watch

Here is a short list of veggies that are particularly interesting for garden adventuring kids. 

Sunflowers they can grow their own super blooms. Potatoes so much fun to dig...like a treasure hunt! Carrots and Radishes are quick growing, colorful and fun to harvest. Strawberries are easy to grow, spot and pick when ripe and ready. Sugar Snap Peas a fast growing sweet snack right from the vine.

To incorporate play in the garden is easy!

Plant your sunflowers in a circle or a square and let the kids play inside the 'sunflower house' that will grow. Make a teepee of bamboo or poles and let beans grow up it for an edible fort. Or use colored Hemp Twine to create sections in your garden. 

Use our Bamboo Garden Markers and write the names of the seedlings directly on the bamboo marker. Use a standard pencil. And if you make a mistake, you can easily sand it off, and try again. Grow edible flowers. Make a scarecrow. Use colored hemp twine to section

Kids love critters! Attract butterflies, and humming birds and other lovelies by planting a variety of flowers that they love. Teach kids to love bees

Mason bees are great for your garden. You can create a home for mason bees using Bamboo Straws from bambu. Rig up a home, and watch them build their own in the straws.

Have fun, dig in, and watch your kids take on their new adventure in the great outdoors. Have other ideas that you love? Share your comments here, or post on our bambu Facebook page