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Listening Harder

At our recent industry trade fair in New York, we made some wonderful connections with new friends, long time customers, and folks that visited us from Colombia, Toronto, DC, our friends in Portland, and of course many of our sales folks who attended. It was a whirlwind of activity at our booth.

There is one conversation with a 'customer' that stands out. [the reason the word is in quotes is because she really wasn't a customer. See Below]

She remarked when she came to our tradeshow booth. She was pleased to see us but I could also tell, she was slightly annoyed. She whispered to her colleague, and then expressed that she was disappointed because no one from my company responded to her interest in our products. She went on to explain that she was interested in our Veneerware natural disposable bamboo plates.

She had seen our bamboo products lately and had contacted us by email, and by phone. And we hadn't replied. Now, as we got to talking, she admitted that she wasn't certain it was us. But in eyeing our products, she really really wanted to use our plates!! And we weren't making it easy for her.

I could say confidently. And politely. 'it wasn't us.'

The Customer is First. Even when they aren't a customer.

I stated confidently that I was sure it wasn't us that she had contacted. We wouldn't have ignored her. But that we could easily help her now. And we would be delighted to. We are vigilant about our response time and the care we give existing and prospective customers. We work hard at this, and everyone shares the same belief. We have created systems to help support us. But ultimately it comes down to people caring. Said 'customer' is now gladly a real customer. Our product speaks for itself....and the Care in customer care comes with a capital 'C'.