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Welcome. Come on In.

We have been busy the last several months getting things ready. New products, a new home, new projects underway…. 


The dust has just settled and the paint nearly dry, and we are super excited to swing open the door of our new website and welcome you in. 

You could say this was 10 years in the making. It has been a decade since we first introduced the world to bambu, and our ideas and desire to turn people on to renewable and reclaimed materials with a modern design aesthetic.

Our newly redesigned website is the latest iteration of that journey.


We set out to make exploring our products and learning about our business navigating a more enjoyable experience.  But at the same time, keeping it simple. Keeping it real.

We have sprinkled the site with new products we have been developing. New products for the kitchen, office and your mobile side too.  Unique gift ideas like our cork fabric giving bear. Check out our new twice woven basket we have developed with a local weaving group in central Vietnam. Or our specially designed honey dipper we make in our own workshop from certified organic bamboo.


We invite you to have a look around, tell us what you think. Sign up for our newsletter to stay in the know what’s new with bambu. We promise to keep it fresh and interesting….



Jeff & Rachel