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Like Minds - the ‘good people doing good stuff’ series

 We're inspired by many. There are a number of good people doing good things in the world around us. People and groups who are focused on a cause, provide a unique insight into the world, serve others, and solve problems.

We'll regularly be sharing with our community these organizations and people who catch our attention, stretch our thinking and shape our minds.

Grist is the first group we wish to highlight. Grist is all about environmental news with biting commentary and a healthy dose of humor. We check in with Grist daily to get our fill on news about the environment. Poignant and witty, the folks at Grist get our vote for piercing journalism. You can get RSS feeds or daily emails .

We've just started listening to the Grist Podcast for a weekly roundup of planet focused news. Give it a go! Just click on the radio below.

Thanks Grist. Keep up the great good work.