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conversations of substance

Before we left Portland for the Gourmet Housewares Show in Las Vegas, we had a chance to drop in on our friends at Substance. Stephen, David, Todd and friends are our digital brand agency (substance & bambu) who have created our new website.

 Michael, Stephen, Jeff, Todd, Rachel and David

As always, we had some stimulating conversations and generally talked about the topic of authenticity, and as entrepreneurs, how we go about creating and conveying a sense of authenticity particularly in an environment where we are increasingly seeing more greenwashing.

We also got to talking about the idea of Deed brands. A concept Substance brought to the conversation with an insightful post here

The era of Deeds

Deeds tell us what you believe in far more than anything you say. Deeds are the products you make, the experiences you create, how you spend your money and energy, what you do in the world… The truth — real truth, not made up marketing truth — will win out if sustained over time… Your communication doesn’t have to try to persuade because your other deeds have.

That pretty much sums up how we see the world too. And Substance too. Thanks for the bagels and coffee.