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bambu earns Gold from Green America

bambu has been a longstanding member of Green America's Green Business Network since we established our partnership in 2006. Among the first companies in our industry to partner with Green America.

Green America's visions is to -

Work for a world where all people have enough, where all communities are healthy and safe, and where the bounty of the Earth is preserved for all the generations to come.

Yes, yes, yes....we stand with you. Green America is a non-profit organization that exists to promote social justice and environmental sustainability. Some of you may know Green America for its' commitment to promoting green values in cities across the country through their Green Festivals.

bambu was featured in the organization's Green Business Profile in 2008. (A link to that article is here.) bambu has advised the group on issues relating to auditing procedures, and transparency in China.

Green America has recently introduced a tiered seal of approval for businesses. We are thrilled that bambu has been awarded the highest honors with a Gold Seal of Approval for our commitment.....and action, towards a greener planet. Thank you for supporting bambu. Thank you for supporting other businesses that support Green America.

Want to do your part? At home? Here are 7 Tips to Go Green in your home, brought to you by Green America.

Make it great, make it green in 2012.