It is safe to say that these past weeks have been challenging if not life changing.
For nearly 20 years, we have been proud to serve our customers, and we will continue to do so, to the best of our ability during this time and until we can return to normal operations.
It is our priority to make sure our staff, families and partners are safe as we plan for the weeks and for the months ahead.
Our bambu team is working remotely, and our warehouse partners are open and operating in a safe manner. They are working on a reduced staff level and implementing strict distancing.
We will continue filling your orders during this time. Since we manage and control the production of our goods, we are happy to report little or no interruption to our supply chain.
We are well stocked across most of our range of products including Cooking & Prep tools, Veneerware® compostable tableware, and Grubware® portable, eating-on-the-go cutlery.
As we are all spending more time at home, and more time in the kitchen, we have thoughtfully designed and beautifully made products to help people create great meals at home without relying on plastic. Warmer weather is arriving, and that creates opportunities for eating outside - at a safe distance, of course.
Please note: We have temporarily suspended expedited shipping from our menu of options. If you have an order that needs special attention, you can let us know, and we'll do our best to accommodate your wishes.
For more information about our delivery and support service, visit here.
bambu has been met with challenges over the years, and we have always emerged stronger and with a deeper sense of responsibility. It is that responsibility that motivates us to continue to serve our customers through these adverse times.
We encourage our friends everywhere to take the extra precautions necessary to safeguard their health and that of others.
From all of us at bambu, we are wishing you good health.~Jeffrey & Rachel