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DesignerTalk at Nest Shanghai - insight into conscientious design in China

We launched our first DesignerTalk series at Nest Wednesday night to kick off our Last Wednesday forums held on the last Wednesday of each month.

We were delighted with the attendance and interest, and the interaction that transpired. Grace Liu, owner of Asianera, Sherry Poon, the founder of Wobaby Basics, and Trine Targett, creator of Jooi Design shared their experiences of being an entrepreneur in China and what it means to each of them, to Design With A Conscience.

The near capacity crowd was interested in how the three overcome obstacles inherent to working in China, idea pirating, While none of the three operate a perfect business, openness, care and effort to integrate social and environmental concerns into their businesses.

Next up, July 30th we gather again to hear from former industrial designer Jamie Yang of Y-Town, clothier Bonita Lim of Brown Rice, and co-founder Rachel Speth of bambu talk about what Design with a Conscience means to them, and share the adventures of being a socialpreneur in China.

More information can be found at Nest or on my previous posts here or here or by emailing [email protected]