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Our Newest Partner - 3M Alliance in Ecuador

When we first learned about the work of Jerry Toth and his team at 3rd Millennium Alliance we were moved by their genuine commitment to tackle a serious problem, and do it at the source. The severity and scale of the problem in this particular ecosystem in the Ecuadorian rainforest is immense, and in many ways, reflect the same challenges we all face on our planet as a whole - the need for biodiversity preservation, and habitat protection, and to overcome land exploitation. The work of Third Millennium is admired and supported by all of us at bambu.

Learn about our association and the work of Third Millennium Alliance here under our PARTNERS & ASSOCIATIONS section of our website. We encourage readers to get involved.

bambu and Third Millennium Alliance are both members of 1% For The Planet. Our donations have also helped preserve precious land that supports a valued species of bamboo which we hope can potentially provide a new source of income and a livlihood for the local farmers, and at the same time, help halt the destruction of this rich eco-system.

Certificate of Rainforest Adoption

We are pleased to do our small part by protecting 30 acres of rainforest in the Jama-Coaque Rainforest in Ecuador, and in doing so, offset our carbon emissions by over 6 tons.

We're going to continue our work with 3M and help protect this vitally important and beautiful eco-system.