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Grameen Foundation in Shanghai - CEO Alex Counts

It's a truly a pleasure to be associated with Grameen Foundation. We had the distinct pleasure to meet and hear CEO Alex Counts speak during his recent visit to Shanghai. It was a full house event attended by friends and volunteers of Grameen, and also the MFI (micro-finance institutions) partners in China from Beijing, Chifeng, Inner Mongolia and Sichuan. Rachel and Jeff had the opportunity to visit the group in Mongolia to learn more and see micro-lending in action among the rural residents - an inspiring visit.

The talk was held at MOCA, Shanghai's Museum of Contemporary Art located in People's Square. Alex highlighted to the need to continue to build on the momentum Grameen and other microfinance organizations in China.

Jeff and Rachel have been named to serve on the Grameen Foundation Advisory Group in Shanghai. We're looking forward to continuing our association with the other members of the group and the fine folks of Grameen.

Keep up the great good work!