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Green Drinks launches in Shanghai

 The first official GREEN DRINKS SHANGHAI will be held at URBN Boutique Hotel at 183 Jiaozhou Lu, in the Green Room from 7-9pm on Thursday, January 15, 2009.

Chances are excellent that there is a Green Drinks event in a city near you!

Green Drinks

A bit of history on how it all started...

In 1989, at a pub called the Slug and Lettuce in Northern London, Edwin Datschefski was sitting with his green design colleagues Yorick Benjamin and Paul Scott when he noticed an enviro-minded acquaintance at a nearby table. As it turned out, the friend was sitting with a few of his own eco-conscious mates, so they pulled some tables together. And so a movement was born.

Every month people who work in the environmental field meet up at informal sessions known as Green Drinks in over 460 cities around the world.

It tends to be a mix of people from NGOs, academia, government and business. It sounds like a great way of meeting up with people. Green Drinks is kind of this organic, self-organising network.

Check out the Green Drink logo page for a dash of creativity from around the globe.

We'll let readers know about our experience. Hope it's the beginning of something wonderful.

Any of you attend a Green Drinks event in your town?