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Greenpeace - Using humor to deliver a serious message

We are fans and supporters of Greenpeace. Their overriding mission is to,

expose the threats to the environment and find creative, positive ways to tackle them.

The Greenpeace UK has taken a particularly creative approach to sending out a serious message. It is a good reminder about effective ways in which to get your message heard.

This a favorite among the team at bambu. A wonderful ad produced by Greenpeace and starring the great E. Izzard. It is a few years old, but it deserves resurrecting. It is a great piece of film directed brilliantly. The story gets to the heart of the matter without 'guilting' the viewer. It speaks to the seriousness of the state of the planet, yet does it in a humorous tone and suggests the ways we can change and the things we can do. Buy Renewables is one of them. It is a message that deserves repeating. We like the blue bits.

The link is here....http://youtu.be/XLBDmhsDY3k

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLBDmhsDY3k&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0]