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Sustainability - the best definition

The word Sustainable and Sustainability get used, and misused with a lot more frequency these days. And we've heard countless definitions. Most of them poor.

We have sometimes described Sustainable = Enduring. And while that's true, it is not very complete and requires too much filling in the blanks.

This is the best, most accurate definition we have seen. This is what bambu is working towards.

Sustainability entails the responsible caretaking and creative cultivation of resources -- social, cultural, financial, and natural -- to generate stakeholder value while contributing to the well-being of current and future generations of all beings.

-Alexander Laszlo, - founder of Syntony Quest, as quoted by Chuck Piazza, a professor at Saybrook University.

What do you think?

We have been looking for the right image to reflect this thought. V difficult to represent in a single shot. This isn't it. Any ideas?