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Dining by Design 2011 - bambu Veneerware

New York launches DIFFA's Dining by Design in New York this weekend, showcasing some dazzling dining installations, and delectable food and wine pairings.

DINING BY DESIGN brings together internationally celebrated designers and local talent to create three dimensional dining installations that awe, inspire, and delight. See dining installation here from the highly successful 2009 event. These extraordinary dining environments are Extraordinary. Elegant. Lavish. Outlandish. Creative, Romantic. Whimsical, and Daring. One in particular is noteworthy for the sustainable thinking that was incorporated into his design installation.

Eric Corey Freed is among the renowned designers participating in this year's event. Eric is Principle of Organic Architect, LEED accredited and is author of 'Green Buildings for Dummies.'

Eric presents his design interpretation below. Eric brings some extraordinary and clean and green thinking to his design.

Eric utilizes recycled glass, reclaimed fixtures, incorporates a vertical garden, among the ideas included in his design.

He decided that Veneerware bamboo plates would be the perfect dinnerware for his guests to eat from. Made from Certified Organic renewable bamboo. bambu is delighted to be included in this important design exhibition. Proceeds go to fight AIDS.

See below the design details and material listing for Eric's design concept.