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2009 catalog nearly complete, FSC-certified all the way

We didn't do a traditional Thanksgiving here in Shanghai. Instead, we were press checking our new 2009 catalog on Thanksgiving Day. Not a typical way to spend the holiday, but not bad either.

We are really pleased with the 2009 offering - new products, new colors, a whole new collection of products for the kitchen and home - all made responsibly, all made from renewable resources. Best yet!

We are taking Our Principles a step further this year with the paper and printing of our catalog.

Rachel and Jeff of Bambu with Leo from MiniNet and the printing technicians reviewing the final proof of the new catalog

Our catalog is our more important selling tool. This year it will be printed on FSC paper. New for us this year, is we are also working with a FSC-certified printing facility - one of the only ones in China. It is a top-notch facility run cleanly, managed professionally, and managed responsibly.

Forest Stewardship Council Certification

What is FSC?

FSC is an independent, non-governmental, not for profit organization established to promote the responsible management of the world’s forests.

You can find out more information here and a short video clip here.

FSC is one of the most influential governing bodies working to protect our environment. We're pleased to do our part and be associated with the FSC organization. Our catalog will be distributed to retail buyers. Of course we'll be sharing with our buyers a digital version which uses no trees at all!

Look for bambu products at local stores and online. More details are available on the Where To Buy page.

Thanks to everyone - Derryck, Sophie, Mark, Lee, Leo, Jeff, the bambu staff, our proofreaders, printers, and everyone else for their effort and care in creating our best, and most responsibly-minded-catalog yet.

It's a sign of good things to come.